Financial Support
Transform With Generosity
Our church and the mission that we undertake rely on the financial generosity of its members, neighbors, and supporters. We are called to continue that work and are continually grateful and humbled by the support you offer. If you are feeling called to contribute financially, we invite you to use one of the following methods to show your support.
Here are ways you can support SSEC:
- Checks can be mailed to the church at: St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral, 221 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
A Growing Community
Beginners Are Welcome
Although it may seem that way, not everyone knows exactly what to say and when to say it. We all started out as beginners, and we are happy to stumble through our services together. We are more ‘real’ than ‘perfect,’ and we suspect you’d prefer that anyway. We’d love to see you join us!