Address 221 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

Dean Search

From the St. Stephen’s Cathedral Search Committee 

It has been said that the story of the road to Emmaus is a metaphor for a congregation’s journey during a transition. The story addresses key themes such as loss, change, presence, invitation, communion, hope and mission.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral is in transition, and we are beginning our search for a new dean and rector. Our former dean served this congregation for more than seven years before retiring in October 2024. During the first phase of our search process, we will talk with each other and prayerfully consider our hopes and dreams for the future. We will also consider the characteristics we most need or desire in the next person to guide us in our parish life and in the broader Harrisburg, diocesan and Episcopal communities. 

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral offers many opportunities for ministry and mission for its parishioners to grow in their relationship with Christ. St. Stephen’s ministries include Community Connections which assists the broader community, Music, Flower Guild, Altar Guild, Christian Formation for all ages, Bible studies, book clubs, and other affinity groups for fellowship. The dean also served as an ex-officio member of the St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, a key mission which provides a superior education for students of all faiths and ethnic heritages from kindergarten to eighth grade in an Episcopal setting. 

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Cathedral also fully embraces the activities, joys and challenges of a traditional parish while also serving the needs of the broader diocese in its role as its Cathedral. The dean serves as the shepherd guiding us in our ministries and mission and nurturing us in our life together as a parish community.

We plan to conduct surveys, group meetings and other approaches to gather thoughts and input. The entire congregation will be invited to tell their story and share their experiences to help shape our future and find a dean aligned to our shared goals. The process is intended to help us all understand where God is calling us so we can share that with candidates who might feel called to join us in our faith journey.

We look forward to traveling on this road with all of us together in hope, grace and much promise.


SSEC Search Committee

Search Committee Commissioning